Please park directly in front of the YELLOW HOUSE.
You will walk up the driveway and enter the courtyard through the turquoise gate and beyond.
If you are new, Sahara will greet you in the driveway.
This location has small steps, gravel, and uneven walkways. Please prepare accordingly. If you need assistance or cannot walk up the driveway, we are happy to accommodate you, so please let us know ahead of time.

There is a menagerie of little dogs and cats that will greet you, bark, and then settle down. If there are any concerns about the animals please let us know ahead of time.
Makawao temperatures can fluctuate. Please wear layers and check the weather. Sahara will also need to access various body parts, so please wear clothing that is loose fitting.

Sahara's Sanctuary

1154 Aala Place, Back Cottage, Makawao, HI, 96768-9604


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